WOODSWOMEN is an informal group of women who play on the weekends. It is essentially a pick-up game and women of all skill levels are invited to play. It is mostly on Mountain View but occasionally on Stony Lick.
Ladies – Want to play casual golf on Saturday mornings?
Ron has confirmed 2 reserved tee times for the WWGA at 8:20 & 8:30 on Mountain View every Saturday (may have to be flexible depending on what else is going on - for example July 15th is the Mixed Derby Tournament). If more than 8 people call in, Ron has agreed to add tee times. If we don’t have 8, then he’ll cut it back to 1 reserved time.
· It will be on a first call first serve basis.
· Call the pro shop to reserve, not on-line.
· Must reserve by Thursday evening, or times will be released. (Let’s not let this happen!)
See you on Saturday!!