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Ringer Board Tournaments

Come play in this Tournament and have the “Ultimate Round” you dream about!


A Ringer Tournament is your ideal round based on the best score you have ever had on each hole during the season. You start out penciling your gross score hole by hole from your first round of the season on the Ringer Board located in the Women’s Locker Room.


  • Each time you play, if you have a better score on a hole, then erase the old score and write down the better score.

  • Your score in a Ringer Tournament never increases, it can only go down as you play subsequent rounds and better your gross score for each hole.

  • The Winner is the player(s) with the lowest total of their Ringer scores. There are no tie breakers.


We use the honor system for this Tournament so you don’t have to turn in any scorecards. Rounds must be played from the Gold Tees or tees further back. Scores that you record must be valid scores that you posted in GHIN. This means:


  • No scores from scrambles

  • No rounds where you played by yourself. 


Ringer Board Tournaments take place for Mountain View and Stony Lick. You may sign up for either tournament of both.


  • Each Tournament costs $5 to play. 100% of the funds collected are awarded as gift cards to the winners at the season closing luncheon.

  • We usually have a good turnout for these tournaments so each one is flighted.

  • The Tournament begins the day after the Opening Scramble and ends the Tuesday prior to the season end awards luncheon.

  • Enter to play with your registration for your annual dues and pay your entry fee with your dues.


Good Luck & Dare to Play Your Ultimate Round

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