WWGA Website Use
What can Website Members do?
How do I register to become a Website Member?
How can you interact this WWGA website?
What else can you find on this WWGA website?
Check out some of the details below.
What can WWGA Website Members do?
Although much of the information on the website is open to anyone who gets to the site, there are several important functions that require registration and log-on on the site. These include:
Viewing the latest WWGA Roster
Signing up to play with Tuesday Ladies Golf on specific days
Canceling previous Tuesday Ladies Golf sign-ups
Viewing other WWGA website members
Commenting on Announcements
Following specific Announcement writers and get email notifications when new Announcements from them have been posted
How do I register to become a Website Member?
Only WWGA members will be approved for Website Membership.
Registering to become a Website Member just requires you to input your name, and email address and select a password which only you control. That will provide you a profile which you can add a picture - so everyone can identify you, or some other character if you want. Click the Log-in/Register button on the top right corner of the Home page to get started.
Click here to get the detailed, illustrated instructions to walk you through the process.
How can you interact this WWGA website?
Sign up to play on Tuesday Games
Cancel Sign-up for Tuesday Games
Click here to see the detailed illustrated instructions about Tuesday Games Sign-Ups​
Get email notices when something new is posted
The Announcements section is actually a BLOG, so you can comment on items there and get email notices when new items are posted.
Click here to see how to do this.
What else can you find on this WWGA website? (do not need to be a WWGA website member for these)
Results from Tuesday Games
Points accumulated for Tuesday Games
Information, including registration link, for Weekend Tournaments
Results and Pictures of winners of Weekend Tournaments
Pictures of Past Tournament winners
Rules, rules, rules with explanations​​
Mary Forte
WWGA Webmaster
Quick How-To Documents