Golf Rules Reviews by the WWGA Golf Rules Maven
Welcome to a series of newsletters to the WWGA on the Rules of Golf.
In 2019, we saw major exciting and welcomed changes to the Rules of Golf. The changes were jointly written and administered by USGA and the R&A (which covers the rules outside the US) and adopted around the world. In 2020, the major change that was implemented was a complete re-vamp of the Handicap System by the USGA and the R&A. They took the best of 6 systems used around the world and merged them into one system. The first document below, "World Handicap System Overview" is a brief overview. Subsequent issues will focus on more specific topics.
If there is a specific rules topic you would like covered, please send an email to wwgagolfmaven@gmail.com
Many thanks and hit 'em long and straight!
The WWGA Golf Rules Maven
USGA Rules
World Handicap System - 2020
World Handicap System - The 5 Things You Need to Know
World Handicap System Change Summaries
World Handicap System Rules of Handicapping Manual
USGA Rules of Golf Changes - 2019
PGA 2019 Rules Factsheet (35 Pages)
USGA Summary Chart: Major Changes in the Rules of Golf for 2019 (8 Pages)
New Rules Summary from Expert Golf (9 Pages)
Other USGA Rules, Resources, and Videos:
USGA Rules of Golf Explained Videos
USGA: Golf's New Rules: - Major Changes
E5 Local Rule - Lost or Out-of-Bounds Alternative
Local Rules & Resource Links
NEW! The Woods Local Golf Rules
NEW! Local Rule E-5 - Lost or Out-of-Bounds Option
Local Rule E-3 - Preferred Lies - Temporary - Only when announced